Monday 3 October 2022

What To Do For A Burst Pipe While Waiting For Your Plumber?

When you’re dealing with burst pipes, it’s not always obvious what to do. While waiting for your plumber to arrive, don’t panic and try to fix it yourself—you could cause more damage and expense down the line if you don’t know what you’re doing! Here are some helpful tips to follow in the meantime, until the plumber shows up with the tools and expertise to handle this situation properly. Read on to know more in detail to have an overall better understanding!

Plumber Caulfield

7 Ways To Fix A Burst Pipe Until Your Plumber Arrives

  1. Shut off water valves

If you have an emergency with your plumbing, shutting off the water valves is one of the first steps. This will stop the flow of water so that you can focus on fixing whatever went wrong. If it's not immediately apparent where your water shutoff valve is, turn on every faucet in your home and start looking for your shutoff valve. If you don't find it, call a plumber! It may be difficult or dangerous to go looking through your house for it if you're not sure how to turn off all of your water supply valves.

  1. Turn off the Power

If you can do so, turn off the power before shutting off your water. This will avoid electrical shocks and will allow you to see where all of your pipes are so that they can be shut off properly. Once the power is turned off, use a bucket or pan under the affected area and open up any faucets to drain as much water as possible.

Next, remove the section of the pipe that is leaking by unscrewing it from both ends (if you can reach them) or by cutting it with a hacksaw (if you cannot). Finally, make sure there isn't any standing water left in your house before restoring the power.

  1. Remove standing water in drains

If you notice standing water in your drains, it is because of a burst pipe or leak. The first thing you should do besides waiting for a plumber is shut off the water supply at the main valve. Next, find where the leak is coming from and use dish soap and baking soda to create a paste that will form an adhesive over the leak. Then wrap electrical tape around it securely. If you have metal pipes, use plastic wrap instead of tape.

  1. Prepare a bucket of ice cubes

One way to stop water from coming out of your pipe is by using some ice. Fill up a bucket with ice cubes and place it over the burst pipe. The ice will help to seal off any openings in your pipe and stop any more water from flowing out.

  1. Remove damaged drywall
  • Remove any drywall that is damaged or wet from water.
  • Apply a sealant to the damaged area and let it dry for 24 hours before replacing the drywall.
  • Patch any holes in the drywall with spackle or joint compound and let it dry for 24 hours before sanding and painting over the patched area with your preferred paint color.
  1. Clean up any broken glass or debris

If there is any broken glass or debris, be sure to clean it up before your plumber shows up. Clear the area around your pipe as much as possible so that you can access it easily. Have a bucket handy for any water that spills and don't forget to turn off the water supply before starting work on the pipe.

  1. Cover the hole with wood until a plumber arrives

If you are unable to shut off the water and it is coming through a pipe, cover the hole with a piece of wood or metal. Keep in mind that you may need to place something heavy on top of the object if there is enough water pressure. If you have a bucket, fill it with water and use it to weigh down the object. If you do not have anything heavy, pour water from your sink onto the object until it becomes weighted down.


Final Words

So these were some tips to help you to do with a Burst Pipe. If the pipe is very busted, call your plumber immediately to avoid any worst possible scenario.





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